HH Majestic Illusion, also known as "Jessy"
1996 (14 years old) Bay Half-Arab Gelding
Markings: left hind sock, star and a scar on his right cheek/jaw and a starburst shape of white hairs under his star from an injury when he was a baby
Additional Information from previous owner: "I sold him to a Beth Scanlan, in Trenton, Mo. He was transferred to her daughter’s name of Ashley Scanlan and then transferred again to a Moonlight Gift Arabians in Iowa. This was were he was supposedly located when he was sold at some auction some 2 years ago. I bred and raised “Jessy." I would LOVE to at least know that he’s in a good home."If you have any information on Jessy, please contact Linda Harper at lindakharper*consolidated.net (replace the * with a @), or leave a comment on this post.
If you wish to remain anonymous feel free to leave an anonymous reply to this post. Any and all information is greatly appreciated. If you're looking for a horse or have a horse that you'd like to find the history on, please send me an email at rosevalleyranch@yahoo.com.